Novil Ponder 10/The Final

Nihao guys, its Eli from the pod we have almost fineshid the book cauld Amorangi and Mille’s trip through time. it was i bit counfusing for me but not really i think my favorit part is when they found grama. or maby i liked all of it what was your favorit part bye.

4 thoughts on “Novil Ponder 10/The Final

  1. hi Eli, I loved your blog post next time try to check grammar and punctuation my favorite part was when the horse pooped on Amoraings leg it was funny.

    1. kia ora, thanks for the comment and i will remember to use punctuation and grammer. and that part was funny what you just said and also make sure you put your in next time and also this is Eli repliying thats all bye now.

  2. Kia Ora Eli,
    I like your blog post about your favourite part of the book!
    My favourite part of the book was sort of a the end because Mum did not remember much.
    Maybe next time you could recheck your blog post before posting it?
    Blog you later.

  3. Hi my name is natasha i’m in room 21 I like it but recheck your spelling
    and that grandma part was funny but bye blog you later🫥

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