Year: 2023

my last post of 2023

Kia ora blogers, its Eli from the pod today is the day that i will be going to my new school witch is intimedeit and i will be a year 7. i am a bit sad to leav this school becuase my teachers where really helpful with my work even my friends. i hope i wiol get to see the rest of my friends on the next school and i hope my friends from year 5 will have a good life in school once they turn into year 6 thats all for me now bye.

The Explorer ponder#3

kia ora pepole, its Eli from the pod/room 17 i am bloging about what if i was lost in the jungle of the book could The Eplorer. than i might feel calm as long as there are no animals that are trying to eat me. but if it was night i might feel i bit scard of sounds that happen at night thats all bye now.

the Explorer ponder #2

Hello guys, its me Eli from the pod\room 17 if i was lost in the forest and if i had 6 things to surviv then i whould have.

  1. water too not stay thristy
  2. food too not stay hungrey
  3. sun cream\hat too not get sun burn
  4. some wood for a house
  5. harness to climb up rock mountins for fun
  6. phone too call for help
  7. thats all bye.


what is media

kia ora guys, its Eli from the pod\room 17 and we have looked at what is media here if you look at the image you can see all of the medias. what kind of media have you seen let me know thats all i know for this blog bye now.

the explorer

Hi guys its Eli from the the pod/room 17, if i could explore a place i whould explore everthing cuase i like to try all new things only if it is safe. if you could explore any place you want what whould it be and why thats all for me bye guys.

film festival

Fakalofa lahi atu guys,

It’s Eli from the pod  today me Vivek and Thaddes where working on a movie called Aliens From Outerspace. a movie when two kids find a ufo and try to get out it took a lot of practic but know we have done it i hope you injoy it and i hope i will injoy yours.


Novel ponder 9

Hi guys its me Eli from the pod, and if i was a animal i whould be a cat becuase i will have the abilate too do big jumps and see in the dark. also they like too climp up trees same as me so what aniaml will you be. bye

beeswax wraps

Kia guys, today we met a visitor from auckland. his name was sean and he told us about makeing beeswax wraps the thing i found fun  was useing these little beeswax wraps to make them. so i hop you injoy it too