My Junky Monkey🙊post

Hi it’s Eli here, and today we are going to talk about junky monkey🙊 junky monkey is were we use trash as really stuff at junky monkey you need to be safe with rops rops are not safe to use if you rap it all on your neck you mite not talk or you mite chock their can be lots of things you can make with trash you can Mack a slid with a pan🍳 or you can Mack a house🏠 i hope you no what it is now

my space reading

lots of stories that are fake and not fake it all so gives me question i have been learning abut different kinds of text.


the witches

The moon was as round as a ball.

 The bats were flying as high into the air looking for the witches .

the lighting was loud as a foot stomping on the ground it start to shock the witches and they all most died but then they were lucky that they dodge the lighting .