culture day

Today at 9th may all of the clases went to the hall to celebrate culture day. We went t0 the hall we saw all kinds of pepole that are dressed up as all kinds of cultures. Then we sang songs and got on stage to show all of our cultures. If you look at photo you can see me wereing a New Zeland Maori flag for culture day bye.

blog post with special guest

kia roro everone at our clase a specil guest cam to room 17 and shared with us  his familiys history. he also had a sord with him a real one and he showd us all about it. then we went to the feild and got in a line once we did that we got to hold the sord and tack a pictrue with the sord. as we all tock a pictrue  we wnet back to room 23. as we made it we got try the anzac cookies and they where wonderfull becues they had srup. blog you. bye now👋

My Writing

Hi my name is Eli and in this week we have been doing a orating and a proplim and noins and adjectivs adverbs and verbs and we needed to do who wahat where when and how. Blog you later how whould you discrip the elaphant.